
01 Sep 2022


9:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Rob Keating

<br><br>If you don’t know Acoustic/Electric Kyle Duffy and Rob Keating, They are a pop rock duo with a hint of all different styles including all the classics from the likes of U2, Bruce Springsteen and the Eagles including many more. This well oiled musical act cover a range of styles, with a bit of something for everyone. <br><br>The pair have been playing for a number of years now with the group coming back strong after the pandemic ready to go with a new exciting set. <br><br>With Kyle coming from Co.Wicklow and Rob being a native Cork man, the pair have combined there backgrounds and musical styles to create a feel good, snappy and intricate sound. Coming to a bar near you in the not so distant future. <br><br>Attached is a link to our original EP, which reflects the style and genres that we cover as a group. <br><br><a href=””><u><u></u></u></a><br><br><br><ul><br>Event attachment 1 out of 2 in total<li><br></li></ul>